Jun 7, 2010


I was asked to present on Social Media to our company this morning. When attempting to build the PowerPoint I found myself asking, "what is it we are trying to accomplish?". Well, in my office we are working on bolstering sales and finding great people. I think the same question and answer can be applied to someone searching for a new position.

How do we get there with social media? By starting a conversation and winning people's confidence in our abilities. I really feel that is relevant for an active job search as well.

You want to find the best company to work for. The best company that fits your needs and you in turn fit their needs.

How do we start a conversation!?

Lets say you are looking for a Business Intelligence position. Find a group on LinkedIn or another outlet and start asking professionals what they think... About something you read, something you thought would be a cool project, problems you have had with projects in the past. Make the topic interesting and open-ended so that people want to respond. Also, make the topic transferable to others to keep a wide level of expertise.

You will find that great professionals will answer your call. This can be a great way to learn about new companies and in turn expand your current network.

One of the best people at starting a conversation on just about anything is Ellen. Check out her twitter page or website. Every single time she is interested in something people listen... I think it is more than her "famousness". I think it has a lot to do with the way she thinks about every day things.

My 2 cents for the day :)

Ellen's billboard that I see on the way home from work everyday. Who doesn't love a crazy straw?

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