Jan 28, 2008

Buyer's Market

By no means do I think I have any idea what I am talking about when I begin this conversation about the economy.
This is something on everyone's minds and as I happen to see exactly what corp America is hiring for everyday, I feel like I should lend some relief to this stress.
Just as with the real estate market right now, you will find that the job market is a "buyers" playing field. Anyone with great skills and background will find many choices when deciding to find a new position. Just as they say it is the best time for people looking for a new home to buy....

It is definitely time for an individual looking for a new career path or position to make the jump, the time is now.

Also, with all the jumble happening lately with the market, I know that everyone is looking at the possibility of a tax rebate and what to do with the money. I have turned to take a look at an individual who has made sense about what to do during this strange time with money and savings. I hope you take a look and use some of her great advise.


Jan 16, 2008

Face time


I have read a few things that tell you more people find positions through friends than any other way. Well, that made me think. How do people meet ALL of these 'friends' with similar professional backgrounds and needs for your expertise? clubs, sporting events, kids, neighborhoods, social events, and NETWORKING :)

I have been able to find a number of Networking events in my area I want to share with you. The best ways to connect with the person you need to connect with and the best way to find the job or help someone else in their path.

The most important thing about Networking I have found is to go with the attitude that you may be able to help someone else. By trying to help someone else with their current problem whether it be finding a job, new customers, new business, or a new soccer coach for the kids, you may be able to find someone that will dig into their social network to help you too!

story time:
I was attending a networking event and met an individual that was trying to sell her new notepads and marketing materials to companies that are in need. I thought back to my company's full closet of unused notepads, pens, and yes the ever so popular keyboard dusters. I was in no need of any of her items and felt as though I would be wasting her time to talk with her.

We hit it off regardless and began talking about life. Her kids, where she lives, schools, etc. Then she told me that her husband was a project manager for a large company. I started in on my short elevator speech explaining that if at anytime he was looking for a new position to keep me in mind. This is where email and telephone conversations run short.

She then explained that her husband was feeling as though many changes were taking place and he may be looking soon. The very next week I gave him a call and helped him to update his resume, learn about the market and what he could expect. This individual was timid about diving in, he had been with his company for 8 years and was not sure where to start!

I have realized that each person in a room of networkers represent hundreds of people. There is nothing more important than face time with business partners right?
Well, sometimes there is nothing more important than face time with the business partner's closest circle of friends or family.

I have listed a few networking events below that have been helpful to me and could be helpful to you regardless of your current dilemma.

www.scsjobs.com -- Kennesaw career ministry

www.atlantaevent.com -- Calendar of Atlanta networking events

http://connectgrowprofit.net -- extended networking events

www.youngbucksatl.com - Young Buckhead professionals

www.networkingforprofessionals.com -- speed networking multiple state listings

Please give me some feedback as I have never blogged and feeling a little wobbly

Jan 14, 2008

What is to come :)

New to blogging I sit here wondering how to begin. Of course I think of bringing brilliant ideas to the people I talk to everyday in hopes of silent applause for all my great hints. However, reality hits and I realize that at the least I hope that someone takes the time to read this blog, a series of "cliff notes" to the articles I read and the experiences I have on a daily basis.

I realize this is a nessecary tool in reaching new places in my networking career and helping more people. Everyday I get asked questions on how best to present a resume, win an interview, find the right fit, and make the next best decision in a change of career path.

I hope to bring some humor to your life and share some of the ideas I have for an easier and smoother career transition or how I think I could do things better. I welcome your comments and hope that you leave them.